Have a Laugh With These Funny and Tacky Bachelor Party Gifts
02/27/2023 Filed in: gifts
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Tacky and Tasteless Party Favors That Will Leave Them Laughing
As your mate approaches his wedding day, there is a need for the groomsmen to plan a series of events for the soon-to-be ex-bachelor. After all, you can't let him get the good old ball and chain without some last-minute fun, can you?
One thing you need to consider around the stag party is gifts to present to the groom during the stag night. Luckily, these need not be any serious, uptight gifts. In fact, this is yet another avenue to have some fun and laughs.
Gag Gifts For Bachelor Party
Don't worry if you are short on bachelor party ideas; here are 25 suggestions for your consideration.
1. Matching Hawaiian Print Shirts
You know those groups of guys you always see in similar shirts when on vacation, and you cannot imagine what would make them think that was cool? Well, those are the shirts we are talking about.
While you might side-eye the wearers, you cannot fail to notice how much fun they always seem to have.
So shop around for similar shirts. Fashion has nothing on you here. In fact, for a bachelor party, the tackier and louder they are, the better. If you can print each person's face on theirs, even more so. Bring these to the bachelor party and require everyone to have theirs on. Same case if you are taking a bachelor party trip.
Keep the shirts after this, and you can bring them on boys' trips in the future. Again, it will help you guys remember the bachelor party.
The fun and silliness of the shirts will get people looking at your group in disdain, making everything a lot more fun.
2. Custom Bobblehead
Nothing makes for a more useless gift than a bubblehead. How many times can you watch it bobble its head without wanting to scream? And that's the whole point of it.
But don't stop at any random bubblehead. Instead, have one customized with the groom's head. Maybe even his bride. So find a shop that can make customized bubbleheads and let them make a 3D impression of the groom.
Have a camera ready to capture the groom's face when he gets his gift at the bachelor party.
3. Funny T-shirts
If the Hawaiian shirts are a bit much for your group, funny t-shirts might provide a more acceptable go-between for bachelor party gifts.
Again, there are no limits to what you can do with these, so feel free to go crazy. You can have the same messages on all shirts or have everyone create their own text. You can also raffle numbers and create a message for the person whose number you will pick. This is the best way to go about it because you get to tease and jab whomever you pick for extra laughs. You can be funny, raunchy, naughty, gross, whatever works.
You can also have photos at the front or back and text on the unprinted side. Anything goes when it comes to bachelor party gift ideas.
4. Tacky Socks
There are all sorts of funny, even bizarre, socks you can buy for the groom as a bachelor party gift. These can be clown socks, weed-printed socks, cartoon socks, money-printed socks, an inside joke, or anything else that bonds your buddy group.
Then he has to show them off in shorts during his party; otherwise, where is the fun?

5. Funny Hats
Hats make for excellent bachelor party gifts.
Hats are great fun because they are so conspicuous; there is no way the groom or the groomsmen can hide them during the bachelor party.
Some fun hats to consider include: · Indian turbans · Sombreros · Victorian tall top hats · Stove pipe top hat · Beanies · Trucker hats · Viking Hats · Cartwheel hats · Chupalla hats · Fedoras · Panama hats
Whatever you pick, customize it to add some fun and flair. You can also pick one type for the groom and have all other groomsmen wear other different hats. Finally, you can present the gift early during the bachelor party or trip and have the groom wear it the entire time. Take lots of embarrassing photos at the bachelor parties, of course.
6. Funny Labels for Booze
Most epic bachelor parties have one common ingredient: alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. But everything here needs to have a fun twist because you can't send your friend into marriage without a bit of craziness.
So you will have alcohol but do more. Why not use fun labels to add some oomph to the booze bottles? You can find ready-made stickers from online stores. Or make up your own and have them designed and printed out.
You will then need to stick them on bottles before the partying begins. You will get thunderous laughter with each bottle opening if you do it right.

7. Ball and Chain
What better way to remind your pal of his impending ball and chain than to get him a ball and chain as a bachelor party gift?
Hit up some fun shops or shop online for these. Most of them will come with printed text to jab at the groom, which is excellent. Some stores also allow you to customize the colors and text.
Once the guys settle on one, make the groom wear it for his party before packing it up for them to take home. Of course, his bride will probably throw it away, but oh well.
8. Beer Shotgun Keychain
Practical party favors work as well.
If your pal loves a good beer, this makes for a practical gift. The first one on this list, finally!
The beer shotgun keychain can be used for the house, office car keys, and what have you. This means your pal can bring it everywhere, including to more fun activities long after the bachelor party.
With a shotgun beer gun, you poke a hole at the side of the beer can and place your mouth there. You then pop the beer can, and now you have two sources to drink out of.
With a shotgun, your pal is able to make a clean, non-serrated hole in the beer can, so it's safe, and he doesn't have to contend with nasty cuts later on. This is the gift that keeps on giving. The groom-to-be can enjoy his beers with some added fun.

9. Beer Helmet
This is a sure hit for the manly man.
A beer helmet is a perfect gift for any of our lazy, beer-loving friends. This is a helmet with a holster on each side where you can comfortably place two cans of beer. Then, once your stock is replenished, you can sit back and drink the beers from a straw. In short, your hands are free to do other things or nothing at all.
These gadgets and the entire concept is so silly, and you will need some time before you can use your beer helmet without rolling around in laughter.
Good quality beer helmets come with an adjustable strap, so they fit any wearer comfortably. Some options allow you to drink from both cans simultaneously (because why not), and others have valves to control the flow of the straws.
Heck, let every guy buy one just for those fun ball game nights or cigar and poker games.
10. Alcohol Shot Gun
You have several games lined up for the party, right (you better). Our guess is that these will have winners and losers and rewards or punishments based on alcohol. Rightfully so.
One thing that will go well with your alcohol games is an alcohol shotgun.
If the name hasn't given it away already, an alcohol shotgun is a gun that shoots a stream of booze into your mouth directly. So if you are playing a card game, the person with the gun will shoot some booze into the loser's mouth.
You could do shots, but these pale compared to alcohol coming at you from across a table. It's pure adult mischief. In fact, the shotgun can be a game all by itself if you have several guns. Hey, you know what? Use your imagination…
11. Inflatable Doll
Nowadays, you can get all types of inflatable, life-size dolls—from clean, simple dolls to some extremely mischievous ones. The choice is yours.
You can also have some messages tagged on it like 'nag free,' 'you can stay out late,' 'maintenance free, 'no in-laws,' you get the drift.
And why not have the husband-to-be walk around with this 'wife' all night long, or the entire time you will be away for the bachelor's trip? Don't forget the photos.
12. Engraved Keychain
Engraved key chains can be functional bachelor party gifts that your mate can have years after the nuptials. This sentimental value will give it more meaning as the years go by.
It's also a relatively small gift, so feel free to combine it with something else. One way to go about this is to present it alongside something else that will likely not be kept for years. The alcohol shot gun, the blow-up balloon doll, and so on would be ideal items to pair it with.
Call it the sweet and sour: a silly gift alongside a meaningful one.
13. Favorite Bottle of Liquor
This is another gift to show off your mature side. Everyone appreciates an exquisite drink to savor on the wedding day or years after the nuptials, so why not get the groom his favorite liquor?
Be warned that this option can get expensive. But this should be fine if all the groomsmen chip in to get the best bottle of liquor possible with your budget.
Before you start shopping, do your research to find out what the groom likes. You can also think about bottles that get better as they age. With these, you can get a bottle for the groom to open ten, fifteen, or twenty years after the wedding.
Imagine the groomsmen sitting around a campfire many years later to open this bottle several decades later. Epic!
14. Money Gun
Let's get back to the silliness.
If you watch music videos a lot or are a staple at your local strip joint, you have likely seen money guns. These are hand-held devices where you put bills and spray them around.
If part of the stag party or bachelor's trip involves hitting up some clubs, a money gun can let the groom have some sophisticated adult fun. Take this up a notch by stashing it with some bills for him to start the strip joint escapade on a high note.
Of course, everyone can take turns, photos, videos, and so on. The ultimate goal is to have a blast.
15. Beer Mugs
This is yet another grown, sober (pun intended), practical gift that the missus won't throw away (depending on what you print on it).
The best thing about beer mugs is that the owner will use them from time to time. And every time they do, they will think about the group and the fun they had on the stag night.
There are many beer mugs in the market, from the very simple to the more lavish, gold-plated ones. Let your budget and wisdom guide you on this one.

16. Beer Bong
Any frat guy will tell you there is no better way to chug down beer than with a beer bong. So if you were never a frat boy, here is your chance.
Beer bongs are those funnel-shaped things with a pipe where you can pour beer down the funnel and into your mouth. This will be a fun toy for stag night games and to make the groom drink more than he should.

17. Beer Pong
This is a super enjoyable game to play on the bachelor party night if your groomsmen choose to stay in. Or during the day on one of the days during bachelor's party trip or weekend.
For starters, you need to divide yourselves up into two teams. Then have several cups half or quarter-way full of beer or other alcoholic drinks. Each team then takes turns tossing a tennis ball or other small ball into the other team's beer cup.
Each time a ball enters a cup, the opponents have to drink the contents of the cup. If both teams toss their balls into the cups, it's a draw, and everyone shoots again. Keep playing until there are no cups left. Then, ultimately, the team with no cups losses, and the opposing team wins.
18. Drinking Games
Drinking games are any games you can play where winning or losing involves an alcoholic drink, whether chugged down or taking shots.
If you guys feel creative, you can come up with games to play. If not, there are tens of drinking games that you can buy online. These come in packs with cards noting down instructions for the different games; this means you can pick out a game, play it out then move to the next.
You can also have a party beer belt for the ultimate winner. Easy does it.

19. Funny Shot Glasses
While drinking with good friends is fun, drinking from a funny, even raunchy shot glass can be even more so.
Funny shot glasses are just the bachelor party favors you need to have. Shop online for this beforehand so that, ideally, everyone can have their own, with one or several for the groom. These can be lady-shaped glasses or shot glasses with some interesting lady bits.
They can also be curved shot glasses with national color bikinis. Yes, you will not be short on laughs.
20. Shot Ski
Shot skis have a straightforward, fun concept behind them. A shot ski is a ski with four shot glasses attached to it. These are removable for washing or customizing. Once they are filled, four people line up and bring the short ski to their mouths to take down the contents simultaneously.
Some people might drink theirs with individual shot glasses while others put their glasses back down with the contents intact. No repercussions. And not so much fun.
With shot skis, anyone that decides not to drink their shot gets it splattered on their face and clothes. Now that is fun!
Some short ski sellers make them from disposed of skis that would otherwise end up in landfills. You can find one of these sellers and purchase a shot ski from them. This way, you get your fun game and do something for the environment at the same time.
After the partying, the groom can keep the ski as a reminder of a fun weekend. You can also use it for future party games.
21. Funny Koozies/Beer Covers
Koozies are typically made from foam, neoprene, or polyurethane and are made to be used over and over, so you can save them for the next event. These fabric or foam sleeves are designed to insulate a bottle or can.
You slide this around a bottle or glass, and it hugs it nicely, providing enough insulation to keep the drink cool and refreshing.
If you are going on a trip in the hot summer months or plan to hit the beach, coozies are a must have as they ensure your drink remains as you like them.
On the other hand, beer covers are small pieces that help keep your beer clean. If you are drinking on the beach or in the great outdoors, you certainly don't want dust, sand, and leaves getting into your beer. Beer cans allow you to cover your drinks and keep off unwanted debris. While these items are functional, you can have some fun with them.
Both covers and beer coozies are customizable. So feel free to print some jabs for each other and the groom. Covers, on the other hand, come in all shapes and sizes. You can buy them ready-made or have them bear different designs from mountains to nipples.
22. Funny Party Decorations
If you are going to have an indoor venue, it might need some decor to spruce it up. Don't go for any drab décor, though.
Instead, look for funny party decorations with hilarious to downright nasty messages to get everyone in the party mood. Whatever you wish you could see at the wedding party but can't, this is the time.
23. Personalized Toiletry Bag
These party favors are functional, thoughtful gift items for anyone who travels often and needs a handy way to pack their toiletries.
Consider getting a number enough for each guy to take one home. So six toiletry bags for 6, eight for eight groomsmen, and so on.
There is also the option to personalize. For example, you can use names and dates and have matching ones for the bride and groom. Similarly, feel free to compliment this with other, more fun party favors.
24. Whiskey Decanter
Perhaps the pending nuptials have made the guys feel all grown and sophisticated? If so, a well-designed whiskey decanter is definitely the way to go, especially if the groom loves his whiskey.
A whiskey decanter is a much cooler way to serve whiskey than pouring it from the bottle. It also allows the whiskey aromas to oxidize, which enhances the taste.
You can show extra thoughtfulness by having the groom and bride's initials tastefully engraved on the decanter. Simply perfect.

25. Waxing Gift Certificate
We told you our list would be fun. This gift works whether or not the groom waxes or shaves. In fact, it will be even more fun if they don’t. You have likely never been waxed before, but you have probably heard it’s not for the faint-hearted. An idea for the groom would be to get him a waxing certificate. You will also accompany him to his appointment and take photos and videos of him screaming his lungs out. Don’t expect a thank you for this one, though.
Have A Ball!
Once you have party gifts, a venue, food and drinks planned for, all that’s left is to have mad laughs and kicks to send the groom off in style.
Bring your sense of adventure and a camera to capture all the silliness.