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The Ultimate Bachelor Party Checklist: Everything You Need to Plan the Perfect Send-Off


When you are tasked with party planning for a friend’s last night of bachelorhood, the pressure is definitely on!

And with good reason. I mean, the groom might have to make some adjustments after his big day as he will be a married man. His bachelor party is therefore his last taste of wild fun as a single man. For this reason, he will always recall his stag night or bachelor weekend, and no, you most certainly do not want to be the friend who planned a lame one.

Your only option here is to bring your A-game and plan the perfect bachelor party.

The Bachelor Party Checklist

If you think this process is easier said than done, our checklist will ensure you have everything squared away for an epic bachelor party including fun bachelor party ideas you could borrow.

Here is a comprehensive list of things you need to think through when trying to plan a memorable bachelor party.


1. Bachelor Party Guest List

This one calls for some delicate balancing. Also, as much as you might not want to bother the groom with the planning, his input on the guest list is crucial.

Typically, a bachelor party guest list should include the best man, groomsmen, and the groom's best mates. Traditionally, this was a bunch of guys. Today, female friends who are close to the groom and are part of his inner circle can also be invited.

Now, if you work with the groom, you might know who from the office to invite and who to leave out. Some colleagues are friends the groom might want at his stag party. And some would be problematic. For example, most people would rather not have their supervisors or bosses at such events.

The same goes for family members. For example, some relatives are easy to party with. However, the groom's fun might be curtailed if his brother-in-law sits next to him at a strip club. You get the drift.

Plan your guest list with such considerations in mind, and get the groom's final word on each of the invitees. A good bachelor party invite list will include people the groom likes and is close to, but also people the groom is perfectly comfortable being himself and a wild night around.

The best person to determine who these people are is the groom, hence his buy-in on invitations will be needed.

2. Have a Bachelor Party Planning Committee

While our party planning checklist will make your work a whole lot easier, planning and executing a stag party is no mean task. It therefore doesn't hurt to enlist the help of a few of the groom's close friends to take a few tasks off your list.

Once you identify two or three people, assign duties early on so that everyone is clear on their role, and they can begin brainstorming and researching ideas relating to their role.

guys planning the budget for the party

3. Bachelor Party Budget Considerations

You need to have a budget to work with. The money available will determine the theme, activities, venue, transportation, food, and everything else.

While there are not that many rules when it comes to bachelor parties, there is one that must be adhered to: the groom shouldn’t pay for anything.

In essence, the groom’s job is to focus on wedding planning, and just show up for a fun bachelor party. The attendees of the party should cater for the entire event’s costs, as well as the groom’s cost. This is another reason why the guest list is so important.

If you have the right people on the guest list, this part should go on seamlessly, as everyone will be happy to do their part to ensure the groom gets an excellent pre-nuptial bash.

So once you have a guest list, figure out a budget, and discuss this with the prospective attendees. Now, keep in mind that some people might love and support the groom, but lack funds to contribute financially. For a party to be successful, try as much as possible to plan a party that’s within a majority of the attendee’s budgets.

For a weekend getaway, attendees are expected to foot their bills. These include travel, accommodation, meals, activities, and so on. Then everyone in the group can chip in to cover the groom's costs.

If you opt to go golfing locally or visit a winery or cigar bar, attendees will pay their way, and then foot the groom's bill. The same goes for when you plan a dinner and drinks at a hotel. Everyone can order and pay for their meals, then chip in for the groom. Alternatively, you can request a buffet service and drinks, and split up the total bill equally.

So one of your duties as the party planner is to discuss and check in with attendees on budgetary matters to ensure everyone is well accommodated. If you choose to have a central fund, advise all party guests on when to send the money. Remember to include the groom's expenses.

4. Location, Location, Location

What kind of party do you want? Or rather, what type of party would the groom enjoy? You have to know your friend really well to answer this question.

Some guys like a chilled-out formal dinner. Others want a crazy night out in town with the good old strip club run. Some want a golfing weekend getaway, others want to hit the beach or go camping, and so on.

You and some of the groom's closest friends can explore the options to figure out what would make the perfect sendoff party for your mate. At the end of your discussions, you will have an idea about whether this is a local party or a destination trip.

Whatever you settle on, keep in mind that holding the party locally will likely be more affordable than going out of town for a couple of days. Also keep in mind that you will need to put more effort into synchronizing calendars for when everyone, including the groom, can get away for a couple of days.

guys doing bachelor party activities

Here are other considerations:


Another element to think about is activities and bachelor party games. Regardless of whether you opt to stay local or go out of town, there must be fun activities lined up. But let’s dissect location matters first.


When you decide not to wander too far from home, some important details must be taken care of.

The basics include the venue for the bachelor party. Will you book a hotel, park, or have the party at one of your homes? Then what do you do for food? Is this a catered event, or will you order in? How about drinks?

Should you go to a hotel, these will be easier to manage. How does everyone get to the venue, and back home? If there will be a legendary bar crawl, you want people to get home safe. To facilitate this, consider chauffeured vehicles, a designated driver, or cabs.

Bachelor Party Logistics

For a destination bachelor party, there are more logistics to take care of. Thinking about the mode of transport: is this a road trip or will people fly? Does everyone have their passports ready, alongside other travel requirements? Similarly, are the invitees able to get a couple of days off work at the same time?

Bachelor Party Getaway Accommodations

You then need to think about accommodations and meal plans well in advance. This can be a hotel, an Airbnb, or an entire home rental that gives you a lot of autonomy.

Where you choose to stay must offer a bunch of fun stuff to do during your stay. Be sure to discuss this with the attendees to avoid potential conflicts.

5. Bachelor Party Activities

A good bachelor party has enough fun activities to ensure people interact, have a blast, and get competitive. Also, it gives the groom a welcome break from cake tasting, picking tablecloths, combing through venues, and all the wedding chores the bride has him doing.

Unless the groom says so, try not to plan the entire stag night around alcohol, more so if you are going out of town for a couple of days.

As you plan the bachelor party, consider including winery tours, hiking, casino games, golfing, paintball, a sporting event, and so on. These are possible even when you intend to have dinner and drinks or a house party. If you are strictly restricted to a house party, find board games and other activities that are possible in confined spaces. Take things up a notch by spelling out some punishments for losers.

Again, customize the options to fit your budget and the crowd. For example, each time someone loses a game, they get drenched in ice-cold water, or they have to do 50 sit-ups, wear a dress for an hour, drink raw egg, and so on. Now you see why inviting bosses might not be a good idea.

For destination parties, try and have at least one activity for every day you will be there. You can take a cruise, go hiking, explore the town, go fishing, snorkeling, golfing, bungee jumping, wine tasting, and so on. Just ensure to inquire about the costs beforehand, and to discuss available activities with the attendees. This will allow the group to plan.

Similarly, feel free to bring some party gear like hats and t-shirts. You can have the groom's face, name, or whacky photos printed on these. These are silly and bring a sense of community. After all, what is a stag party without some goofiness?

6. Have a Clear Itinerary

With a location and activities decided on, this bit should be easy. An itinerary means a schedule of what the stag party will look like. Look at it in this way, you have a group of people attending the party, each with their interests and ideas.

While you want everyone to have a grand time, the focus should be on giving the groom a good send-off into marriage. Unfortunately, without a clear itinerary, it's not uncommon to find individuals pulling in different directions. This disorganizes the party.

An itinerary can help reel this in, and ensure more group cohesion. The structure for this doesn’t have to be complicated and this should also be shared on group chat to get everyone’s input.

guys getting ready for the bachelor party itinerary

Below is a snapshot of what an itinerary should look like.

Itinerary for Local Bachelor Party

A local bachelor party checklist is incomplete without an itinerary. An itinerary for a bachelor party planning around the locality should be pretty simple, as it's likely to be a one-day or a one-evening affair.

If for example, you have daytime activities ending with drinks and dinner at night, all you need to highlight are the timelines, activities, and meet-up points. This can look like this:

10:00 am: Meet up at XYZ restaurant for brunch

11:00 am: get into the hired car service at the parking lot to head to the golf club

Noon: play a round of golf

2 pm: Assemble at the clubhouse room XYZ for cocktails before heading out to the winery

3:30 pm: Arrive at the winery, sample wines, and have a late lunch

5:00 pm: Everyone can disperse to freshen up and meet up at 8:00 pm at XYZ for dinner and stag night activities.

Itinerary for a Destination Party

An itinerary for a destination party will be more detailed as you have more than a day to yourselves. However, it shouldn’t be much of a challenge, either.

Begin by listing down the number of days you will be planning to be away, then break them down in time and activities to be undertaken.

Sounds Manageable, Right?

Planning a bachelor party doesn't seem so daunting anymore, does it? And it shouldn't be. With the help of some guys, this checklist, and some attention to detail, you should be able to craft a memorable, thrilling experience for the groom and attendees.

One last thing: the earlier you start, the better. So get back to the top of the list and get planning!
